


Accounting Services

At ABS & Co accountants we prepare financial accounts for sole traders, partnerships, companies and trusts. We can help you prepare & lodge Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Instalment Activity Statement (IAS). We provice help and advice for setting up your business, partnership or trust. We can apply for your TFN & ABN. ABS & Co accountants can help you with your business maintenance, bookkeeping & payroll services. We provide business advice, auditing for SMSF and non-profit entities and much more.


Taxation Services

As registered tax agents we prepare Individual income tax returns, partnership income tax returns, company and trust income tax returns. We can apply for individual and company tax file number for you. We provide advice and tax planning services. Income tax returns are required to be lodged, even if your have no income, a nil lodgement or return not necessary is required to be lodged. At ABS & Co we can assist you with all your tax planning and tax lodgement requirements, including liaising with the ATO. 


Superannuation Services

ABS & Co accountants can help you set up your self-managed super fund, prepare annual financial statements, prepare and lodge the fund’s annual income tax return, calculate and advise of tax liability or refund and much more. We can provide audit of the SMSF by an approved auditor. We facilitate obtaining of an actuarial certificate where required. We manage communications and correspondence with ATO and provide secure online access to your SMSF's income details.