

About Us

ABS & Co accountants was established in 2002 and is a boutique accounting practice based in Macquarie Fields, NSW founded by Abdul Aziz. Aziz has been in Public Practice since the 1995.

ABS & Co accountants has a diversified client base. Our client base is made of a range of industries including:

  • Doctors, surgeons & medical centers
  • Lawyers & engineers
  • Builders & interior designers
  • Printing & framing specialists
  • Lab assistant & technicians
  • Child care workers
  • Taxi drivers
  • Government employees

The staff at ABS & Co accounting have significant combined experience in both Public Practice and Commerce and strives to produce excellent client service. Our high standards, service and specialized staff spell the difference between our outstanding performance. We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of our whole company.


Our Mission

ABS & Co aims towards an ultimate goal of bringing value to our clients. We understand that our clients are the reason we are here today.

Our mission is to provide exceptional customer service to our clients at reasonable rates and o ensure our quality of work to our clients.

The Practice is a member of IPA Australia and we undertake quality assurance checks to maintain the high level of knowledge and professionalism of our staff.